Gym Membership

There are three standard monthly membership packages (fees as of 01.02.24):

  • Attend as often as you like during each weekly session - £25 per month.

  • Attend one session a week - £21 per month.

  • Individual session passes - £32 for 5 sessions.

  • Guest per session - £7.50

  • Junior multi-session pass - £17.50 per month

  • Junior single-session pass - 12.50, one session per week

  • Single session anytime - £4

Interested? Please get in touch with our instructor Gary on 07387 876216 to organise a free trial.

There is no joining fee.

There are no penalties or any more fees to pay for leaving. Please tell us if you are leaving.

New members are asked to pay by standing order. For those without a bank account or who wish to pay using cash or cheque, we may agree to this exceptionally but cash handling increases our costs so the charge for cash payment for monthly fees will be £2 more per month than the published rate.

To help keep down costs, fees should be paid monthly in advance, by standing order or bank transfer. We will accept payment in cash or by cheque (monthly, quarterly or annually in advance) but there will be a £2 fee per payment for this service. Please ask the instructor for a standing order form to send to your bank.

Please contact the committee or instructor if you would like to change the package you are on.

The gym is open three mornings a week, Sunday, Monday & Wednesday from 08.30 - 12.30

Member Guidance

  1. The gym welcomes everyone irrespective of religious beliefs, disability, race, gender or sexual orientation. There is no upper limit on the age of standard members, but there is a lower age limit of 16 years. Children aged 12 to 17 may join as junior members and will be guided on appropriate exercises.

  2. Members younger than 18 are legally regarded as children. We will ensure their welfare is safeguarded and our procedures reflect this. The club also welcomes vulnerable adults, and has procedures to safeguard them. For both groups, membership forms must be signed by a parent, guardian or carer.

  3. Applicants to join the gym who are in doubt whether exercise is advisable for them should first consult their GP to be reassured that physical exercise will benefit them and is not a risk for them.

  4. Appropriate footwear (eg. training shoes) should be worn during exercise sessions. Members are also advised to wear loose, comfortable clothing.

  5. Should a member find any equipment is faulty or dangerous, or discover any other hazard to members, he or she should report the matter to the instructor immediately.

  6. Members may suspend their membership for a period, or end their membership by written notice to the secretary (via the instructor). Membership will terminate at the end of the month in which the notice is received.

  7. Members are expected to respect the decisions of, and comply with any safety instructions issued by the instructor within the session. Members must refrain from engaging in disruptive or offensive behaviour, physically or verbally, during the session. Failure to comply may result in membership being suspended or cancelled.

  8. If a member has a suggestion or wishes to communicate with the management committee, they can email or write to the membership secretary. A form is available from the instructor.

  9. Should a member have a grievance concerning another member, an instructor or a committee member, or another complaint, he or she should follow the complaints procedure. Please ask the instructor for a form to complete, and submit it to the committee via the instructor within seven days of the incident.

  10. Should membership be denied to an applicant, they can appeal to the committee as detailed in the constitution.

Further information

  1. Our gym instructors are fully qualified and hold a certificate in first aid.

  2. At present, the gym offers three sessions a week, on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesday mornings. Opening times may change as we seek to improve our service, and in response to members’ demands. We will always seek to improve the choice of equipment, and would welcome feedback.

  3. Occasionally we will be unable or decide not to run a session due to circumstances beyond our control. We ask you to bear with us when this happens. We are a community organisation and must work around the needs of others in the community. Please note you are being charged monthly, not on the number of sessions offered. However, our target is to provide a minimum total of 143 sessions per year out of a total possible of 149 and if we miss this target we will compensate members unless the causes are totally outside our control, e.g. the New Victory Hall becomes unavailable for any reason.

  4. Session passes are intended for people who are unable to attend regularly. We strongly encourage everyone else to pay monthly by standing order (which is cheaper) and attend regularly for maximum benefit. Session passes are transferable. They may be bought by anyone but may only be used by members of the gym who have undertaken a gym induction.

  5. The gym holds information about members in order to provide services to them. The gym will only record appropriate information that is relevant to the person’s involvement with the gym. The information will be held securely and will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. No personal information will be made available to third parties unless we are compelled to by law, e.g. in support of police enquiries. Please ask for a copy of our privacy policy for further information.

  6. Management committee names and photos are displayed on a board outside the gym. You may address a query to any of us via email to - committee page